Упр. 19 стр. 135 (Lesson 7)


Упражнение 19. Найдите предложения с независимым причастным оборотом, переведите.

1. The first engines appeared in the 17th century and people began using them to operate factories, irrigate land, supply water to towns, etc. 2. The steam engine having been invented, a self-propelled vehicle was built. 3. The supply of steam in the car lasting only 15 minutes, the vehicle had to stop every 100 yards to make more steam. 4. After the German engineer N. Otto had invented the gasoline engine, the application of this engine in motor cars began in many countries. 5. The cars at that time were very small, the engine being placed under the seat. 6. Motorists had to carry a supply of fuel, because there were no service stations. 7. Brakes having become more efficient, cars achieved greater reliability. 8. Cars with internal combustion engines having appeared, the automobile industry began to develop rapidly. 9. By 1960 the number of cars in the world had reached 60 million, no other industry having ever developed so quickly.


2. The steam engine having been invented, a self-propelled vehicle was built. 2. После того как был изобретен паровой двигатель, было построено самоходное транспортное средство.

3. The supply of steam in the car lasting only 15 minutes, the vehicle had to stop every 100 yards to make more steam. 3. Так как подача пара в автомобиле длилась всего 15 минут, автомобиль приходилось останавливать каждые 100 ярдов, чтобы выработать пар.

5. The cars at that time were very small, the engine being placed under the seat. 5. Автомобили в то время были малогабаритными, причем двигатель располагался под сиденьем.

7. Brakes having become more efficient, cars achieved greater reliability. 7. После того как тормоза стали более эффективными, надежность автомобиля значительно повысилась.

8. Cars with internal combustion engines having appeared, the automobile industry began to develop rapidly. 8. После того как появились автомобили с двигателями внутреннего сгорания, автомобильная промышленность начала быстро развиваться.

9. By 1960 the number of cars in the world had reached 60 million, no other industry having ever developed so quickly. 9. К 1960 году количество автомобилей в мире достигло 60 миллионов, причём ни одна другая отрасль промышленности не развивалась так быстро.